New season ticket system and start of new loyalty scheme

Sports and especially hockey public welcomed a large number of innovative changes that have been started in connection with the arrival of new management of HC Košice at the beginning and during the previous competition season. This trend will be even stronger in the upcoming season when there will be several radical novelties including the STODOLA loyalty scheme.
The first and, at the same time, most important novelties are a new solution of recharging and purchasing of season tickets including brand new silver and gold club cards.
At the beginning it is necessary to stress that there will be NO CHANGE of the basic price of classical season tickets compared to the last year. At the same time, everyone who holds a season ticket activated for the last year play-off, can apply by the deadline (June 17, 2018) a CASH-BACK, i.e. a discount in the amount of EUR 20, no matter what type of season ticket he/she chooses for the new season - whether it will be classic one (so far unchanged) or it will be new silver one or gold card (which is a higher equivalent of the actual classic season ticket). Child season ticket CASH-BACK is in the amount of EUR 10.
Let us make a breakdown of the introductory information. For example, last year the price of the season ticket (long side for loyal fans) for the basic part was in the amount of EUR 100 plus EUR 55 for play-off, i.e. EUR155 in total, of which a guarantee in the amount of EUR 20 in case of not qualifying for semi-finals playoff. The price of basic classic season ticket entitled “Classic” for the new season 2018/2019 will not change compared to the last season. The novelty is that now you can charge your season ticket once for the whole season for EUR 155, or for EUR 135 by the deadline June 17, 2018 using a guarantee from the last season.
The fans for whom the amount of EUR 155 or EUR 135 is too high, have an opportunity to buy also for this season a classic season ticket through the Quatro installment system. Of course, there remains a possibility of more favorable refinancing of this all-season investment but which apply to all season ticket classes as described below. ATTENTION: the purchase through the Quatro installment system must be made in the period between June 4 to June 8 exclusively in the Steel Arena ticket office.
- joining the basic part and the play off together we comply with the requirements of the overwhelming majority of our fans who recharged their season tickets also for the play-off after the basic part completion. We save time and administrative “overtime work” not only for the club but also for fans who already before the play-off will no more have to think of recharging and stand in line in front of the Steel Arena ticket office - often at the last minute due to time constraint.
HC Košice appreciates very much the relationship of their loyal fans, long-term holders of season tickets. We are aware that although you have always stood with us, you have not yet been able to also formally express your above-standard relationship to your club, your loyalty and commitment to our hockey family and our goals. Therefore, we want to make it possible just for you through a special class of season tickets - silver and gold cards.
We bring brand new products SILVER CLUB CARD and GOLD CLUB CARD which are the season tickets with a significant added value. And this is to be pointed out already at the beginning of the presentation of both new products. Through their distinction from the existing basic classic season ticket - really small price difference - we want to reward you with a lot of benefits that we intend to extend in the next seasons.
We prepared in the season 2018/2019 for each holder of the new SILVER CLUB CARD and GOLD CLUB CARD free traveling for extra-league matches of seniors within the basic part as well as play-off. Now you will be able to travel to Steel Arena for the domestic hockey extra-league matches of seniors by Košice transport means (Urban Mass Transportation) absolutely free of charge; of course your return home will also be free. When you travel to matches by car we can offer you a parking benefit in the Cassovar Business Center Parking House near Steel Arena. We also have for you discounts in the Steel Arena cafeterias during domestic matches of HC Košice, discounts for purchasing in the club fan shop, as well as other discounts in the retail chain of our partners (we will continue to extend this chain of partners providing discounts for our “silver” and “gold” holders of season tickets). And, of course, there will be and will continuously come new special offers that we will make during the season and the next seasons. There already is a current discount in the Ster Century Multi-Cinema (Košice Galéria Shopping Center) – from now on you will be able to see every movie with a discount in the amount of EUR 1. The semi-final guarantee is maintained. The quality club shawl and entry for preparatory matches will also be a little thank you for every one of you.
Please stay with us to show you transparently and explain to you what we really offer with special season tickets - SILVER and GOLD CARDS – J:
You will be able to travel for free by Urban Mass Transportation for 2 hours before and 2 hours after the match. Given the price of EUR 0.60 for one way and just 28 domestic matches of the basic part, you will save at least EUR 33.60 (0.60 x 2 x 28).
Parking in the Cassovar Business Center Parking House - 2 hours free of charge, you will pay EUR 1 for next hour. To enter the underground parking lot, it is enough for you to have a season ticket – silver card of gold card – you will not need to have any other card or ticket from the parking machine.
Discounts at cafeterias will cover selected products, such as a special “menu” consisting of a drink and meal with a discount in the amount of up to EUR 1. So you can save other EUR 28 at 28 matches of the basic part and purchase of the “menu”.
Discounts at the HC Košice fans shop will apply to any purchase. The discount will be 10 %, i.e. for example at the purchase for EUR 50 we pay EUR 5 on your behalf, in case of a larger purchase adequately more and even in case of repeated purchase. The discount of course applies for any value.
Discount at the Ster Century Cinema at the Košice Galéria Shopping Center has been described above - EUR 1 will be deducted from each ticket even repeatedly, anytime. 1 season ticket = 1 discount.
We offer you a 15 % discount in the oldest Slovak restaurant Hostinec (Pub) Brewery, Hlavná Street, Košice throughout the year. We brew here a special beer Košickí majstri (Košice masters), baptized in the Steel Arena; of course, an excellent cuisine is also available. While watching hockey – but of course at any other time – you have a discount e.g. in the amount of EUR 7.50 with your silver or gold HC Košice club card when paying a bill in the amount of EUR 50. It also applies for any lower or higher expense.
Free entry for preparatory matches for all holders of season tickets is a certainty as well as the above competitions and special offers such as an opportunity to win the whole skybox for the specific match etc.
A knitted shawl for the holders of gold cards will be of good quality, worth EUR 13, and you will obtain it free of charge before the first domestic extra-league match as an expression of our gratitude and fellowship; we will donate it also to your kids along with the child season ticket.
The semi-final guarantee for the holders of gold cards will not be missing in any case also in the new season. It consists in the credit in the amount of EUR 20 for the purchase of any season ticket for the season 2019/2020 in case of not qualifying for semi-finals playoff 2018/2019.
For all holders of existing season tickets from the last year play-off season 2017/2018 it is still true that whether you decide for classic, silver, or gold season ticket – club card, we will deduct from its price the guaranteed EUR 20.
At the purchase of the silver or gold season ticket it is necessary to hand over the existing season ticket at the relevant point of sale.
Regardless of whether you decide for a classic season ticket or silver or gold season ticket, you will get a significant discount on the price of admission compared to standard tickets. So you will not have to hunt for tickets for respective matches during the season and play-offs, but you will really get a significant discount compared to the price of tickets.
Of course, the GUARANTEE OF PERMANENT SEAT - the most favorite one in Steel Arena for many of you - will continue to remain the most important fact.
A significant fact also is automatic reservation of your seat for next season after the season 2018/2019, i.e. in the season 2019/2020.
ATTENTION: We will favor by June 17, 2018 the first 100 people interested in season tickets, regardless of the selected type.
Possible REFINANCING of the season ticket purchase through the Quatro system applies for all types of season tickets, i.e. Classic, Silver, as well as Gold.
We will sell you from now on each child season ticket to the “adult one” for just EUR 50, i.e. 70 % discount! Children will also be given a knitted shawl with the season ticket, worth EUR 13, and also your kids – our best fans - will be able to travel along with you for matches and from matches by Urban Mass Transportation free of charge.
You can buy a season ticket at the below selling points of Ticketportal or comfortably from home at - in case of on-line purchase you can pick up respective “card” with assigned voucher at some of the following points:
Steel Arena – Ticketportal ticket box, Nerudova 12, 04011 Košice - West
Opening hours: Monday-Friday: 3:00 PM - 6:00 PM
TICKETPORTAL Atrium Optima, Moldavská cesta 32, 04001 Košice - South
Phone No.: 0905 149 577, e-mail:
Opening hours: Monday-Sunday: 09:00 AM - 09:00 PM
(the stall is located in the area in front of the Intersport Shop)
Ticketportal Prešov, Vihorlatská 2A, ZOC MAX Prešov, 08001 Prešov
Phone No.: 0917/759 358, e-mail:
Opening hours: Monday-Sunday: 09:00 AM - 09:00 PM
(the stall has been removed in front to the branch 101 DROGERIE)
We will be waiting for you from May 23, 2018!
We are fully aware that HC Košice is primarily a big fan community. We are aware that we all can manifest our fellowship more and better. We understand that our Club has a key role in this and we want to fulfill it. Let us start and develop new loyalty scheme which we nostalgically entitled STODOLA.
Register in the STODOLA system already when purchasing a season ticket and start to collect club points.
It will be possible to exchange your points for other benefits.
We will prepare other benefits that will be added to your cards. We will not focus on their quantity consisting in many cases in unnecessary products, but on their quality which will be usable and useful for our fans.
Dear friends, fans of Košice hockey! We believe that the future of our Club is our common cause. Let us join our effort, together we can make IT!