Najlepšia dvojica extraligy zamurovala bránku: Priali sme si

PRIDANÉ: 25.4.2023

Výrazný podiel vyrovnanej a spoľahlivej brankárskej dvojice Jaroslav Janus – Dominik Riečický vyzdvihli prakticky všetci aktéri deviateho košického titulu majstrov Slovenska. Či už sa do svätyne „oceliarov“ postavil „JJ“, alebo „Riči“, spoluhráči sa na nich mohli spoľahnúť.

„Veľmi dôležité bolo, že sme mali dvoch naozaj kvalitných brankárov. Kohokoľvek som poslal do bránky, ten splatil dôveru," skonštatoval tréner brankárov Dušan Strhársky. "Dominik sa dostal do výbornej formy a jeho pokoj nám veľmi pomohol prísť k vysnívanému titulu. On má perfektnú povahu pre brankára. Je mu akoby jedno, či ide chytať alebo nie. U neho nevidíte žiadne výkyvy nálad. Jaro sa správal ako fantastický profesionál. Vedel, že chytal dobre, žiaľ, v sérii s Michalovcami sme prehrali tri zápasy po sebe a prijal, že do bránky išiel "Riči." Jaro sa naďalej skvele pripravoval a vedel, že ak to bude potrebné, tak pôjde do bránky."

Vyrovnanosť brankárskej dvojice potvrdzujú aj štatistiky. Riečický odchytal 30 zápasov s bilanciou 1,81 gólu na zápas, úspešnosťou 93,71 percent a 5 čistých kont. Janus inkasoval v 38 stretnutiach v priemere 1,95 gólu na zápas pri úspešnosti 93,33 percent a štyroch vychytaných nulách.

„Riči zapol play-off mód a vzadu sme to mali zatvorené. Teším sa z toho a naozaj sme si dobre rozumeli. Je to perfektný kolega a opäť som získal super skúsenosti do života i kariéry,“ okomentoval spoluprácu s Ričim Jaro Janus. Tridsaťročný Košičan reagoval v podobnom duchu. „S Jarom sme vychádzali výborne. Obaja sme sa neustále podporovali a keď išiel do bránky on, nebol som sklamaný. Chytal totiž výborne a mal super sezónu. Rovnako tak doprial on mne a spoločne sme zažili parádnu jazdu. Teraz sa tešíme spoločne.“

Zatiaľ čo Janus ťahal mužstvo v základnej časti, Riečického veľké chvíle prišli v play-off. Vo finále sa stal historicky prvým mužom v maske s dvoma nulami a po skončení série prevzal prestížnu Zlatú korčuľu pre najužitočnejšieho hráča vyraďovacej časti.

„Nečakal som to. Ja som chcel hlavne tímový titul a táto trofej je iba malým bonusom. Bez spoluhráčov by som ju však nemal,“ zdôraznil tradične skromný Dominik, ktorý nepatrí medzi veľkých rečníkov. Radosť z titulu na tom zmenila iba málo. „Je to môj najkrajší moment kariéry. Ani neviem čo mám povedať. Vychytať titul pre túto super partiu je jednoducho krásne. Možno tak nevyzerám, ale teším sa naozaj veľmi.“

Chladnokrvný Riečický pôsobí ako keby ani nemal nervy. Možno práve preto zvládal v play-off aj psychicky vypäté okamihy.

„Tlak som určite cítil, ale snažil som sa ho odbúravať a nebrať to na veľkú váhu. Potom by mohli prísť zbytočné chyby. Sústredil som sa teda iba na svoj výkon a pomoc tímu,“ zamyslel sa brankár, ktorý chytal ešte v roku 2020 v druholigovom Humennom. Za opätovný reštart kariéry považuje tryout v období manažéra Jana Šťastného. „Ten tryout mi veľmi pomohol. Vzali si ma pod krídla Marko Milý s Duškom Strhárskym a tri roky sme pracovali deň čo deň. Moje výkony sú výsledkom ich roboty a dôvery vedenia.“

V prípade Jara Janusa bola situácia úplne iná. Celú kariéru odchytal v zahraničí a po príchode do metropoly východu sa tak stal v 33 rokoch extraligovým nováčikom. V jeho prípade tak napokon platilo „prišiel, videl, zvíťazil.“

Tak to má byť, rozosmial sa JJ.  „Ale nie, to načasovanie bolo našťastie správne. Super. Jednoducho parádna robota celého tímu a teraz si to spoločne užijeme. Bola to náročná sezóna a nie všetky momenty boli pekné. Vyhrali sme však základnú časť i titul. Dopadlo to teda parádne.“

Bonusom k deviatemu titulu majstra Slovenska je aj garancia miestenky do novej sezóny Ligy majstrov.

„Poviem pravdu, že to som ani nevedel. Bolo by však super zahrať si proti kvalitným súperom z Európy. Bola by to výzva. Teraz si však chceme užiť oslavy a potom začneme riešiť budúcnosť,“ uzavrel D. Riečický.

Držitelia Zlatej korčule pre najužitočnejšieho hráča play off:
        2014 Jozef Stümpel (HK Nitra)
        2015 Gabriel Spilar (HC Košice)
        2016 David Laliberté (HK Nitra)
        2017 Mathieu Corbeil (MHC Martin)
        2018 Branko Radivojevič (Dukla Trenčín)
        2019 Samuel Buček (HK Nitra)
        2020 neudelili ju
        2021 Dávid Skokan (HK Poprad)
        2022 Samuel Buček (HK Nitra)
        2023 Dominik Riečický (HC Košice)


English version

A significant contribution of the equanimous and reliable goalie duo Jaroslav Janus – Dominik Riečický has been uplifted practically by all of the Košice participants of the Slovak championship title. Whether it has been “JJ” or “Riči” standing in the Steelers’ sanctuary, the players could rely on them.

“It was very important that we had two really high-quality goalies. Whomever I have sent to the net has delivered,” stated goalie coach Dušan Strhársky. “Dominik had an amazing form and his calmness has helped us very much in reaching our dream title. He has a perfect personality for a goalie. It’s like he almost doesn’t care if he’s going to play or not. You won’t spot any mood swings. Jaro was acting as a fantastic professional. He knew he played well, however during the series against Michalovce, we lost three times in a row and he accepted that Riči was sent to the net. Jaro has continued to prepare diligently and he knew he would play, if needed.”

The balance of the goalie duo is also supported by statistics. Riečický has played 30 games with 1,81 goals against average, a save percentage of 93,71 percent, and 5 clean shutouts. Janus, in 38 games, has 1,95 goals against average, a save percentage of 93,33 percent, and 4 shutouts.

“Riči has launched playoff mode and shut the net behind us. I’m happy for him and we understood each other really well. He’s a perfect colleague and I’ve earned great experiences for my life and career,” commented Jaro Janus on cooperation with Riči. “We have gotten along amazingly. Both of us have supported each other constantly and when he was in the net, I wasn’t disappointed. Because he played so well and had a great season. Similarly, he wished me the same and together we have experienced an awesome journey. Now we are celebrating together.”

While Janus has led the team during the regular season, Riečický’s big moments came during the playoffs. He became the first masked man historically to have 2 shutouts during finals and after the series ended he was rewarded with the prestigious Golden Skate award for the most productive player of the playoffs.

“I didn’t expect it. I mainly wanted the championship title for the team and this trophy is only a small bonus. I wouldn’t have earned it without my teammates,” emphasized traditionally humble Dominik who doesn’t belong to the group of great speakers. Not even the euphoria from the win could change that. “It is the most beautiful moment of my career. I don’t even know what to say. To earn a shutout for this amazing group is simply wonderful. Maybe I don’t look it but I’m in fact very happy.”

Cold-blooded Riečický appears as if he doesn’t have nerves. Maybe that is exactly what helped him to manage even the most mentally straining moments during playoffs.

“I have indeed felt the pressure but I tried to relieve it and not put much thought into it. It would only make me do unnecessary mistakes. I have focused only on my performance and helping the team,” mused the goalie who was playing for the second-league team in Humenné in 2020. He credits the restart of his career to the tryouts during the period of the manager Jan Šťastný. “That try-out helped me very much. Marko Milý and Dušan Strhársky have taken me under their wings and for three years we have worked day by day. My performances are the result of their work and the trust of the leadership in me.”

In the case of Jaro Janus, the situation was completely different. He spent his whole career abroad and after arriving in the east metropole at the age of 33 he became an extraleague newbie. In his case the “came, saw, won” saying is appropriate.

“That’s how it’s supposed to be,” laughed JJ. “No, really, the timing was fortunately right. It was simply amazing work from the team and now we are going to enjoy it together. It was a tough season and not every moment was beautiful. Despite that, we have won the regular season and the title. It worked out pretty well.”

Bonus to the ninth championship title of Slovakia is a guaranteed spot in the new season of the Champions Hockey League.

“I will be honest, I wasn’t even aware of that. Although, it would be neat to play against some quality opponents from Europe. It would be a challenge. At the moment, we just want to enjoy the celebrations and only after we are going to focus on the future,” closed D. Riečický.

The Golden Skate awardees for the most productive player of playoffs:

2014 Jozef Stümpel (HK Nitra)
2015 Gabriel Spilar (HC Košice)
2016 David Laliberté (HK Nitra)
2017 Mathieu Corbeil (MHC Martin)
2018 Branko Radivojevič (Dukla Trenčín)
2019 Samuel Buček (HK Nitra)
2020 award not granted
2021 Dávid Skokan (HK Poprad)
2022 Samuel Buček (HK Nitra)
2023 Dominik Riečický (HC Košice)